This week we checked back in with San Diego artist Noé Olivas, who just recently finished an artist residency at the San Diego Art Institute (SDAI) and discussed the residency itself as well as the show that came out of it titled la/el/ellas/ellos/usted quinceañera/o. Noé also shares with us the topics and themes that led to the project. We then briefly discussed his recent feature in the San Diego Union Tribune which be read here.
la/el/ellas/ellos/usted quinceañera/o will be on exhibit til May 3, 2017 at the SDAI Project Space at Horton Plaza in San Diego, CA. To learn more about la/el/ellas/ellos/usted quinceañera/o visit Noé’s website at You can also follow Noé on Instagram at @calmatetupedo.
Thanks to Richie Cunning (@richiecunning) for providing the intro music.
"la/el/ellas/ellos/usted quinceañera/o," 2017 quinceañera dress: burlap and lace fabric. 15 burlap bag drawings: pencil and charcoal drawing. installation: disco ball, 12' x 11' sod grass triangle. (Photo by Jill Grant)
"la/el/ellas/ellos/usted quinceañera/o," 2017 quinceañera dress: burlap and lace fabric. 15 burlap bag drawings: pencil and charcoal drawing. (Photo by Jill Grant)
"la/el/ellas/ellos/usted quinceañera/o," 2017 15 burlap bag drawings: pencil and charcoal drawing. (Photo by Jill Grant)
"la/el/ellas/ellos/usted quinceañera/o," 2017 quinceañera dress: burlap and lace fabric. (Photo by Jill Grant)